Top 5 Allergy Apps for iPhone and Android

Top 5 Allergy Apps for iPhone and Android

Expertise and Comfort for Your Allergy Journey,q_auto/v1/production/charts/uploads/photo/BGC-charticle-header.20200719110127.jpg
By Camillia Cyrus
Posted at: May 23, 2024
Read Time: 4 minutes


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Best App for tracking the day's Pollen Index

WebMD Allergy

Best for Researching Symptoms

Allergy Alert

Best free pollen app for daily Allergy Forecasts


Best Pollen Count App free for Hay fever

Plume Labs

Best free Air Quality app

Allergies can be life-threatening at worst or just annoying at best. The most terrifying thing about allergies is that they can happen at any time or place, regardless of whether they are caused by food or environmental factors. What makes allergy apps so valuable is that they double as portable field guides, medical dictionaries, cookbooks, and first-aid resources.

While completely avoiding allergens is one of the greatest strategies for preventing symptoms, it's not always simple. For added safety, anyone with allergies might want to considerdownloading an app that tells them what to avoid, how to avoid it, or what to do in the event that symptoms do appear.

Here are ten smartphone applications that use the latest technology to providepreventative, alternative, or responsive information that can reduce symptoms or possibly save your life. They range from ones that present you with the daily pollen index to ones that scan ingredient labels.

Top 5 Allergy Apps for Smartphones


Best App for tracking the day's Pollen Index


This App is the best choice if you have any form of seasonal allergies.

Apps such as Zyrtec AllergyCast remove confusion about allergies. Zyrtec, a company that makes allergy and cold medications, has developed a free app for iPhone and Android.

With the help of this App for predicting, you can take control of your allergies and eliminate any doubts. This App's primary feature allows you to determine how the weather affectsyour health. It responds by connecting to GPS data and notifying you immediatelyif the weather could hurtyour health.

Furthermore, the App continuously monitors the amount of pollen and air pollution, so you'll always know what to expect. To help you prepare, the App also uses advanced technologies to forecast how your allergy indications can change day to day. You'll get to rate your health conditions and monitor your symptoms daily to do that.

In addition to providing hourly and 10-day weather and allergy forecasts, it analyzes 40,000 zip codes to provide you with timely and relevant updates.

The first forecasts will be made five days after installing the App. Before that, only reports on pollen levels will be available. As always, the forecasts will be more precise and unique the more you track. Additionally, you'll receive regular reports regarding the pattern of your allergies and a list of the most common symptoms in your area.

Is Zyrtec only for seasonal allergies?

Whether you suffer seasonal or year-round allergies, ZYRTEC eases your worstsymptoms. ZYRTECoperates from the first hour and continues to function well every day.

WebMD Allergy

Best for Researching Symptoms


For those who are allergic, this medical symptom checker is quite helpful.

The WebMD Allergy app provides extensive information about food, indoor and outdoor allergies, and a list of available treatments. The app's journal feature is a neat tool for recording daily symptomsto monitor your health.

This app is more than just an allergy guide; it is a complete medical resource that may be used to learn about medications, treatments, and other medical topics. Is it beneficial or detrimental? You have to make that decision. Yes, you may find too much information on this app, but it's a great tool for managing your allergies. Furthermore, it's among the best choices for allergies.

With this app, you can get custom estimates based on the details of your allergy. First, youmustlog into your allergy tracker app, which only takes a few seconds. After that, you will need to record your daily symptoms in a customized notebook to monitor your condition and responses. The more you track, the more precise forecasts you'll get.

The app also provides recommendations from doctors regarding how to manage your allergies. Additionally, you can customize warnings for various allergies, including mould, dust, pollen, and many more. There's an informational page to learn more about your diseases and potential treatment options. Additionally, this app will help you locatethe best option should you need to schedule a doctor's visit.

Is WebMD a free app?

There is no cost for using it, and there is no need to register. You can learn more about their causes, treatments, and associated symptoms by finding medically reviewed information on diseases relevant to you.

Allergy Alert

Best free pollen app for daily Allergy Forecasts


Whether trees or a particular kind of flower trigger your allergy, the skin allergy app offers precise predictions for allkinds of environmental allergies.

If you have environmental or seasonal allergies, you likely don't have time every morning to read a thorough report before you leave the house. However, with the help of a free app called Allergy Alert,you can quickly determine whether ragweed, grass, or trees are causing your allergies outside by seeing visual changes on your screen.

Through Allergy Alert, you can see the allergens in the air that day with visual alerts. Depending on whether you use an iPhone or an Android device, you can obtain four or five-day forecasts, which can help youorganizeyour upcoming run.

App professionals can locate and, in many cases, remove the cause of your allergy triggers. They can also perform an asbestos inspection, VOC testing, or mold inspection in Florida or any other state of service.

For people in need, Allergy Alert offers additional specific information, such as pictures and descriptions of plants, 5-day weather and allergy forecasts, and your allergy record.

This app recently received an update that added an allergy diary and five days' worth of weather and allergy forecasts. Using this, you can also:

  • Easily check several places with just one finger move.
  • See forecasts for the weather and allergies together.
  • Discover more about the most common allergies with full explanations and pictures of plants.
  • Maintain a log of your symptoms and emotional state so that the information may be obtained later.


Best Pollen Count App free for Hay fever


If you have hay fever symptoms, Klarify is the app for you. Use it to record your daily mood and monitor the effects of your pollen allergies over time.

Use Klarify to stay ahead of your hay fever. The Klarify pollen and allergy app records your daily symptoms and monitors the long-term effects of your pollen allergies. Klarify can help you live your best life by providing information on pollen, weather, and air quality for any area,a three-day forecast, an allergy calendar, and advice on managing allergies.

The Klarify app providesall the information you require to determine what type of pollen is in the air. When you find out which pollen has the highest concentration, you can arrange your activities accordingly. Sign up for updates and pollen warnings to ensure you are ready when the levels shift.

Keeping track of the pollen counts in your area is crucial since they can significantly affect how you feel when you have allergies. Knowing the pollen counts can help you forecast when your hay fever will probably flare up.

With the app Klarify, you can check the local weather and air quality. The app also provides you with the current local wind, humidity, and temperature. What kind of pollen causes your symptoms, where you reside, and the weather all affect your feelings abouthay fever. Everybody experiences a different pollen allergy season.

Is the Klarify app free?

The Klarify app is totally free and has no ads. It can help you live your best life by providing information on pollen, weather, and air quality anywhere in the world.

Plume Labs

Best free Air Quality app


Everyone should be aware of air pollution, especially those withlung problems like asthma. Plume Labs ' Air Quality app guides users in avoiding harmful pollution levels with a 72-hour air quality forecast, a current condition map and report, and intelligent notifications that include alarms and advice.

This is particularly important for those living in cities, but even people in towns and villages can experience poor air quality during crop spraying or harvesting seasons. More than 12,000 monitoring stations, advanced models, and an incredible quantity of data, including weather information, population density, land use, and road networks, are merged.

With Plume Labs, you can find the current pollution levels locally and globally. Get detailed information about how air quality will change over the next 72 hours, much like a weather forecast andreal-time street-by-street pollution maps for the world's largest cities.

You can easily access information on street-level pollution by selecting your locations, obtaining forecasts, and exploring the maps! Studies have shown thathaving access to this kind of information on air pollution can help you cut your exposure by as much as 50%.

How does Plume Labs work?

Your medical physician places your lab orders at Plume, andnurses electronically transmit themto Plume's clinical laboratory partners, Quest Diagnostics or LabCorp. After this is finished, a nurse will usetheaccess point to send you a message with details on when to make your lab appointment.

How are You Managing Your Allergies?

Avoiding allergens is the best method of preventing allergies. Antihistamines and other prescription drugs are also available for daily use to helpmanage symptoms and limit allergic reactions.

If you have allergies to animals, avoid touching, kissing, or stroking them. Animals should also notbe allowed on your furniture or in your bedroom.

Vacuuming carpets, rugs, and other surfaces often helps removeallergens such as pollen, animal dander, and dust. Another useful tool is high-efficiency particulate air filters. These air purifiers eliminate allergens in the air from where you are.

How do these Allergic Apps work?

Todetermine if you have an allergy, a medical professional will possibly:

  • Ask thoroughly about the symptoms and indicators.
  • Conduct a physical checkup
  • Maintained a complete log of your symptoms and potential causes

If you have any Allergy, medical professionals will like:

  • Request that you maintain an in-depth food record.
  • Ask if you have given up taking in the suspicious item while having your allergy examined.

Your provider may also suggest the following tests: one or both of them. It is important to note that these allergy tests may result in false positives or false negatives.

Skin Test:Tiny levels of the proteins present in common allergies will prickle your skin. If you are allergic, a raised bump or hive will appear on your skin at the test site.

Blood Test:Immunoglobulin Eantibodies cause allergies. Specific IgE blood testing, also known as radioallergosorbent test (RAST) or ImmunoCAP testing, quantifies the quantity of these antibodies in your circulation. A medical laboratory receives a blood sample to examinefor signs of possible allergy sensitivity.

Other tests can help detect or rule out other medical issues if your doctor believes your difficulties are unrelatedto an allergy.

Treatment of Allergies

Avoiding allergens

You can identify and stay away from your allergy triggers with the help ofthese apps. This is typically the most important step when it comes to preventing allergic reactions and minimizing symptoms.


Depending on your allergy, medication may be able to lessen symptoms and your immune system's reaction. Your doctor may recommend substitutes or prescription medications in pill, liquid, nasal spray, or eyedrop form.


Your provider may suggest allergen immunotherapy for severe allergies or allergiesnot fully relieved by previous treatments. Purified allergen extracts are injected into the patient several times overa few years as part of this treatment.

A further method of immunotherapy involves internally placing a tablet under the tongue and waiting for it to dissolve. Certain allergies to pollen are treated using sublingual medications.

Emergency epinephrine

Should you suffer from a severe allergy, you may need to always keep an emergency shot of epinephrine with you. An epinephrine shot for severe allergic reactions may reduce symptoms until you receive emergency care.