Top 5 Most Popular Sports in the World as of 2024

Top 5 Most Popular Sports in the World as of 2024

Power Your Passion, Rule the Field,q_auto/v1/production/charts/uploads/photo/BGC-charticle-header.20200719110127.jpg
By Camillia Cyrus
Posted at: Jun 12, 2024
Read Time: 4 minutes


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Soccer / Football

Regional Popularity: Europe, Africa, Asia, America


Regional Popularity: Asia, Australia, United Kingdom


Regional Popularity: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia


Regional Popularity: Europe, America, Asia


Regional Popularity: America, Japan

Everybody has loved playing sports at least once in their lifetime. It's also fair to suppose that they enjoyed watching one if they weren't taking part in one. With this post's help, we will analyze the top 5 most popular sports in the world. Sports have indeed played a significant role in people's lives all around the world, either directly or indirectly.

Some sports arevery popular and available in almost all countries. The largest is soccer, or football,as it is commonly recognized. Global audiences of major events, particularly the World Cup, support the teams they love. Then there is basketball, which makes supporters shoutat every three-pointer and dunk.

Cricket is a huge matter in countries like England, Australia, and India, where matches may go on for days and unite people. Because of their exciting tournaments and superstar athletes, tennis and athleticsare also very popular.

5 Most Popular Sports in the World 2024

These are the top 5 sports in the world in terms of popularity, along with the areas in which they are most popular and the locations of their fan bases.

Soccer / Football

Regional Popularity: Europe, Africa, Asia, America


There are anestimated 4 billion soccer fansworldwide, making it the most popular sport in the world. The passion, conflicts, and drama fascinatepeople from different cultural and language backgrounds.

The earliest ball games were played in the past in China, Greece, and Rome,where soccer got its start. On the other hand, the current game originated in England in the 12th century, and the first Football Association was founded in London in 1863. The game's ruleschanged as time passed, stopping players from moving the ball with their hands.

Soccer's influence on various cultures changes despite its popularity. While soccer is a popular and highly competitive sport in Europe, it is a symbol of history, family, and pride in Latin America. After being introduced to Africa by European nations, soccer has grown in popularity and is now played by many countries in international competitions.

How come soccer is so popular? Several factors explain soccer's popularity. Playing the sport requires very little equipment and is easy to learn. Anybody, regardless of age, gender, or economic status, can play this game. Furthermore, soccer ishighly social, with fans gathering in stadiums and clubs to support their favorite teams.

  • Estimated Fans: 4 Billion
  • As a spectator sport and in terms of degree of participation, there are few things compared to soccer and football.
  • According to the most recent FIFA global census, there were 5 million referees and 265 million players worldwide.


Regional Popularity: Asia, Australia, United Kingdom


Cricket's history started in England in the late 16th century and has since grown to become one of the mostplayed sports in the world. Its growth from a village competition to a professional sport that is participated in by over 2 billion people globally proves its popularity and ongoing value. The game started in England andmoved to other countries through colonization.

After cricket became famous by English soldiers in the West Indies, it was adopted by India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the West Indies.

The popularity of the game is proven by the fact that more than 100 countries currently play cricket. Even though cricket is not as popular as soccer everywhere, its fan base is growing, attracting millions of audiences to key matches like the World Cup.

The charm of cricket is found in its variety of formats, from the five-day traditional Test matches to the fast-paced T20 matches that draw younger audiences. AddingODIs and T20s to the game's evolution has increasedpopularity and attracted players from variousregional and cultural backgrounds.

The fact that it is a team sport creates a sense of friendship and participation among the participants and those who watch. Its ability to build a strong link between individuals makes it a worthy position on this list of the world's most popular sports.

  • Estimated Fans: 2.5 Billion
  • An extremely popular sport in Australia, Pakistan, and India.
  • There are 125 countries that play cricket, according to the International Cricket Council (ICC).


Regional Popularity: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia


Hockey has become one of the world's most well-known games. In the 19th century, stick-and-ball games were played in places like Canada, the United States, and Europe. These games provided the basis for hockey.

In 1875, according to records, ice hockey was played indoors for the first time in Montreal, Canada. Since its start, hockey has become an international craze, with the National Hockey League (NHL) acting as the top professional league and a stage for the greatest players in the world to show their abilities.

There are a lot of devoted hockey fans in Russia, Sweden, Finland, and the Czech Republic, among other European countries. Some of the best players in the sport have come from these countries, and their national leagues are just as good as the NHL in terms of skill and competition. International events like the Winter Olympics and the World Championships have made the sport even more popular around the world.

More than 70 countries throughout the world have an extensive hockey community. To expand the audience and develop the sport in new areas, the International Ice Hockey Federation manages its international growth. In recent years, progress has been made by countries like South Korea, Japan, and China.

  • Estimated Fans: 2 Billion
  • It is a quick-paced sport that is popular at the Olympics and is played in more than 100 countries.


Regional Popularity: Europe, America, Asia


Millions of people play tennis dailyin clubs and on public fields. When pros and beginners were allowed to compete in the major championships in the late 1960s, the sport grewquickly as a watching sport. In the 1970s, this trend continued as more professional tournaments were shown on TV,and the game became more popular due to the rise of famous players and competitors.

Tennis is a widely popular sport that attractspeople of all ages and skill levels, which is one of the key reasons for its popularity over time. Tennis only requires a racket and a ball, unlike other competitive sports that require expensive gear or lengthy setups.

Equipment and fashion advancements were crucial factors in creating and maintaining the boom. Anew casual clothing categorywas created when tennis apparel, previously onlyavailable in white, got flair and color.

Tennis balls, originally white, were now available in variouscolors, with yellow being the most popular. The addition of metal frames beginning in 1967 and the bigger head in 1976 were the two most important turning moments in the history of racket frames. In the past, racket frames were mainly made of laminated wood and came in specific sizes and shapes.

In the United States alone, 3.82 million people played tennis, with 25% of participantsin the 18–24 age range. With 210 countries having joined the ITF, people from all around the world appreciate this sport.

  • Estimated Fans: 1 Billion
  • It is often recognized as the world's most popular individual sport.


Regional Popularity: America, Japan


Millions of people worldwidehave a special place in their hearts for baseball, sometimes known as "America's Pastime." The sport's originsmay be found in the United States in the 18th centurywhen it changed from youths playing random games to organized private groups in the 1830s and 1850s. With the founding of the first professional leagues in the 1870s, baseball received advancement in the years after the Civil War.

The high-scoringstyle of baseball is one of its most thrilling features. Little errors can result in major plays and even massive runs for your side. This implies that, regardless of your skill level, you muststay aware and concentrated when playing! Baseball requires a great deal of teamwork. To ensure success, every player on the pitch must knowtheir specific function within the team.

Many countries have baseball teams that play and love the game. Whilebaseball continues to be popular in the United States, nations like Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Japan, and Venezuela havepassionately promotedand developed excellent players. Baseball is an international sport, with fans from all over the world participating in local leagues and games andwatching major league teams like Major League Baseball (MLB).

There are several ways to begin playing baseball if that's your goal. Play pick-up games at the park with your friends, or sign up for one of the many volunteer or professional teams that are always seeking fresh players! You could even start a local league!

  • Estimated Fans: 500 Million
  • It is an old American favorite that is becoming increasingly well-liked in countries like Japan.
Reason Why Sport in Important for a Country

Each country in the world has a national sport, a game that is popular among people and significantly impactspublic and cultural life. Governments sometimes spend a great deal of effort onsports among their citizens. Nations also engage in intense competition to host international athletic events.

  • Sports encourage Good Values

Towin a game, competitors in all sports need to stick to a set of rules. Teams are also a part of every sport. Teams play sports like football, rugby, and cricket, but even individuals who play sports like tennis and golf receive support from coaches and other staff members. Sports are vital to a nation because they teach moral principles like unity and fair play.

  • Sports bring people together

In almost every country on earth, people join together to play sports. While some people participate in casual activities with friends, others join sports organizations or play for local or national teams. In society, sports have an important role in uniting people. They offer people a release for tension, competition, physical energy, andenjoyment. Sports are important to a country because they provide a platform for community bonding.

  • Helps with Education

A crucial part of a child's mental and physical development is gameplay. Research finds that sports engagement should be essential to a child's education. In addition to providing children with physical education, sports teach them ethical values like justice and tolerance. Getting knowledge of sports regulations and strategies helps with children's overall education.

  • Role-Model for a Society

The public adores sports stars. Their best sports performance and contributionsto their sport are widely recognized. When their sports players represent their country when playing globally, the people of that nation are proud of them. Many peoplealso choose to track the personal lives of players, many of whom are highly well-known.

  • Boost Nation's Economy

Due to its economic value, sports have an impact on many nations. Many countries have large numbers of people employed in the sports sector. Large crowdsgo to a town for major national and international competitions, spending money at the local stores, hotel rooms, and eating places. This might significantly improve the economy.

  • Build connections with other countries

Around the world, sports are played. Almost every country in the world has games of basketball, tennis, hockey, football, and other top-rated sports. Teams gather for major international events where viewers watch athletes compete between countries. These multinational eventsunite people, create sincere cross-cultural friendships and lower social divisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Which sport ranks highest?

Football is the most popular sport globally, with an estimated 4 billion supporters worldwide. Its passion, conflicts, and drama - which cut beyond language and cultural boundaries are the reasons for its universal popularity.

Q. What was the oldest sport?

Wrestling is the oldest and most fundamental kind of combat enjoyment known to humans, which dates back to the early stages of civilization. Drawingsand carvings discovered in southern European caves between 15,000 and 20,000 years agoshow wrestlers in hold and lean positions.

Q. Which sport is best for girls?

5 best Sports for girls: 1. Soccer 2. Volleyball 3. Basketball 4. Swimming 5. Tennis.