5 Best PC Games of All time, Play Right Now

5 Best PC Games of All time, Play Right Now

Bringing a Revolution to Your Gaming Experience

By Camillia Cyrus
Posted at: Jun 20, 2024
Read Time: 4 minutes


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Elden Ring

Released on: 25 February, 2022

Disco Elysium

Released on: October 15, 2019


Released on: 10 December, 2019

Hollow Knight

Released on: 24 February, 2017


Released on: 10 December, 1993

You can play millions of PC games at this time. It can be challenging to choose the best PC games of all time because of the vast variety. However, there is something for everyone, even in the most specific ideas, because there is such a wide range. Naturally, a large number of the top games to play are blockbusters that will always be consideredsome of the bestcreated due to their extensive collection.

Since PCs are typically quite static, you usually won't find many games that involve activity in the real world. Other than that, if you search hard enough, you can find virtually anything you can imagine, and what's more exciting is that a sizable portion of the PC game collection is available for free.

Here are the most-played PC games of all time.

Elden Ring

Released on: 25 February, 2022


Elden Ring, which has received some of the best reviews of any game recently, won the 2022 Game of the Year award from IGN and The Game Awards. All of this praise is well-deservedsince Elden Ring is a true masterpiece in the open-world and soul-like game genres.

Play Station 4, Play Station 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, andWindowsmay all be used to play Elden Ring. The game's big storytelling, animation, plot, and graphics are all interacting. You've enjoyed it for ages, even though thegame was just released. Its wide world, interesting storyline progression, and unique combat system allow many different playstyles.

Fans may look forward to many more gifts from the game that has sold over 23 million copies. One magical item that had altered the Lands Between was a ring, which Queen Marika the Eternal broke. It is your responsibility to mend the ring. By completing assignments, you can move closer to your goal.


  • Players willbe able to modify their character's appearance, body type, gender, hairstyle, origin, and stats, among many other things.
  • Players are given a world map, but they will need to fill it out with Map Fragments. Markers and beacons can be added to explore the world further.
  • Players canmove fast and quickly between areas due toSpirit Steed.
  • Playerscan wander almost any place in theElden Ringanduse the Rays of Guiding Light to set their next main goal.

Disco Elysium

Released on: October 15, 2019


Anyone looking for a complex storylinewithout action shouldcheck out Disco Elysium. Released in 2019 by ZA/UM, the game is unlike anything other and doesn'tfit into a genre. You play as an amnesiac investigator who needs to investigate a crime.

As with all great stories, the journey through a vibrantuniverse and cast of characters to arrive at the finale is just as satisfying as the resolution when your down-and-out investigator is forced into conditions where you must investigate a murder.

Disco Elysium used classic role-playing game elements to create something wholly new. It offersunique gameplay mechanics,like pitting you against 24 different brain regions, each representingan exceptionalability or feature.

Disco Elysium's objectives require dialogue and actionin-game and through the discussion panel. Although this could seem to result in flat and boring gameplay, the game's RPG system ensures that players will constantly find itexciting and fresh.


  • The game's most notable feature is its conversation system. The character colors gamers' paths through the chat build they begin with, resulting in a more personal and unique experience for every player.
  • A colorful map that may be explored comfortably and has many interesting objects to look at.
  • Its filthy graphics and audio design effectively convey the bleakness of the game's setting, giving it an even more impactful experience.
  • The tutorial agent character is the only one in this game where breaking the fourth wall makes sense.


Released on: 10 December, 2019


In Hades, one of the greatest roguelike games ever created, you will continually fightthrough the lowest parts of hell. This game is excellent for those who can take fast-paced action, with lots of variety and superb combat.

Hades combines the most outstanding elements of Supergiant: gorgeous art direction, sound design, music, and an appealing story featuring characters who will staywith you over their attractiveness as customers.

There isn't a single roguelite game that comes close to matching Hades as the gold standard today. The game's captivating post-game keeps you returning for more, even after defeatingthe final boss. Other highlights include its thrilling combat, amazing soundtrack, and cleverly written story with characters.

Dying adds to the fun and has itsbenefits, such as fresh dialogue with the game's exciting cast of symbols, new chances to buy upgrades that change the gameplay, and a chance to start over with a fresh set of divine blessings. Supergiant Games continues to impress with Hades, a roguelite design masterwork.


  • Natural and subtle dialogue that always appears to fit the characters indicates the well-written characters.
  • Every weapon has three types of attacks: standard, dash-based, and unique.
  • Finding the right mix of skills and upgrades is the secret to success. You may also find powerups that alter the behavior of your selected weapon.
  • Instead of needing to clear rooms toobtain upgrades and boons, you canbuy them when you locate room prizes, fight foes, shatter pots, and so on.

Hollow Knight

Released on: 24 February, 2017


Hollow Knight is one of the most outstanding current Metroidvanias available. You could spend hours playing with it since it's stunning, vast, and full of entertaining mysteries. Hollow Knight doesn't ease you into the harsh reality of the cruel realm of Hallownest. Many people may have pushed initially off it, but once it ultimately grabs hold of you, it's impossible to shake.

You won't want to discover the way out of Hollow Knight, an underground maze of mysteries where you can get lost in its towering caves, tiny paths, and stunning, decaying cities. You'll gradually discover the history of this world filled with bugs as you hop and slice around it, and you'll find that it has a far deeper plot than you first thought.

As you go, you'll be able to equip your upgraded character, The Knight, with charms that alter how you play: one lets you release energy from your weapon when you're fully healed, while another damages enemies whenever you take damage.


  • Explore winding dungeons, ruins of cities, and deadly wasteland; engage in damaged creature combat and make strange bug friends; and uncover old mysteries at the center of the kingdom.
  • Develop strong new powers and skills! Acquire power, agility, and spells.
  • A massive array of adorable and spooky characters, all animated using classic 2D frame-by-frame techniques.
  • Usecomprehensive mapping tools to plan your route. Purchase maps, quills, compasses, and pins to help you understand the numerous weaving landscapes of Hollow Knight.


Released on: 10 December, 1993


The first-person shooter, Doom completely transformed the gaming industry. Despite its numerous honors, the game's influence on other games in its genre and beyond is not fully captured while being a critical and financial success.

In addition to serving as the model for the first-person shooter style that would soon rise to prominence in the market, it also helpedthe gradual shift in the public's opinion of video games fromniche leisure to a recognized industry.

After the release of Call of Duty: Battlefield Hardline,Black Ops 3,Halo 5: Star Wars Battlefront, andGuardians,which all focused onmultiplayer and didn't hold up very welllast year, this highly deadly single-player action seemed like it shook first-person shooters out of a rut.

Even though Doom is extremely simplistic now, its amazing design remains unchanged. Its timeless design, which includes accurate, fast-paced gunplay andfundamental powerups like health, weapons, and shields, is fascinating.


  • The game has ten different kinds of monsters, ranging from possessed humans to demons of varying strength.
  • The modular design of the Doom engine enables the replacement of game content with unique patch filesor PWADs.
  • Fans have converted a number of well-known motion pictures, TV shows, and other brands from popular culture into Doom maps.
  • Numerous other powerups are available, including armor, medical supplies to treat injuries, a backpack that boosts the player's ability to carry ammunition, and more.
Gaming Tips and Tricks

Computer gaming is ideal for anyone who wants the best experience, especially for those who take their game seriously. We have some tips and tricks to help you enhance your PC gaming experience in general.

Set your Gaming Goals

Nobody can devote enough time to master every game. Choose your speciality by remaining loyal to a genre and a few gamesyou enjoy playing,whether your goal is to become a professional or simply one of the best.

New Gaming PC

After you've selected your favorite genre, it might be time to upgrade to a gaming PC model that depends on that genre's strengths. You should also upgrade your RAM to play sandbox or open-world games so you can keep discovering new places without experiencing problems.

Learn the Role and Characters

Teamwork and building social connections are two of the most satisfying parts of playing games online. You can perform better in the heat of the time by working with other players. You might even make new friends ifchosen along with your squadmates for a few continuous rounds.

Update Your Display

If you can't see your game clearly, there's little use inspending all the time and energy on an immersive PC gaming experience. Your setup won't be able to utilize your new hardware and show allimages without a good display.

Cool Your PC Properly

The heated air inside your PC may cause the parts to overheat and limitlifespan if you don't carefully cool it. The tower should not be placed near heaters or sunny windows in your house or flat if you don't want to buy a new gaming PC shortly.

Set up your space and take breaks

Having a specific area in your house or flat for gaming is wonderful, but it really depends on how you live. By doing this, you'll be able to identify that area with gaming and be able to live your life without it, taking regular breaks.

Benefits of Playing PC Games

Improves Coordination

Computer games activate the mind with their on-screen actions and activities. A lot of mental capacity is needed to coordinate auditory, visual, and bodily movements while playing computer games. Your child may need to play certain games to develop their rapid thinking and reflex development skills, which are both beneficial for overall brain health.

Improves Attention and Concentration

If you've ever attempted to get someone to focus or pay attention while playing a computer game, you may not be surprised to learn that playing computer games enhances these abilities. Playing computer games can transport us to a similar state of involvement as watching a movie or reading a book.

Improves Problem-Solving Skills

Most computer games have a clear goal, and playing computer games involves following particular guidelines and limitations. Players usually have to solve puzzles and consider different paths or moves as a result of these rules and limits.

Improves Social Skills

Although playing video games on a computer might seem like a private pastime, modern technology and devices have brought us to a new level of social contact; global interaction is possible when playing computer games online with people from all around the world. Nowadays, it's common for games to have microphones so players can always communicate.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is the most played game in the world?

5 Most played games in the world are 1. Minecraft 2. Fortnight 3. League of Legends 4. Apex Legends 5. Valorant.

Q. What are the upcoming game releases in 2024?

Upcoming game releases in 2024: Drug Dealer Simulator 2, Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Edition, and Once Human.

Q. What are the best video games 2024?

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Tekken 8, Persona 3 Reload, and Prince of Persia are the best video games in 2024.